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A. Regular members:


Regular members shall be limited to those who are or have been engaged in a profession. "Profession" as defined by Webster's dictionary, means "a vocation or occupation requiring advanced training in some liberal art or science, and usually involving mental rather than manual work." Regular members shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The regular members shall have the authority to make motions, to vote, and to hold offices

B. Student members:


Student members shall consist of those who are attending college full or part-time. They shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The student members shall be entitled to all privilege's of the Association except those of making motions, of voting, and of holding office

C. Special members:


Special members shall include honorary, corporate, and affiliated members

  • Honorary members: Honorary members shall consist of those who have rendered notable services to the community. They shall be nominated and approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Corporate members: Corporate members shall consist of companies, institutions, or associations, approved by the Board of Directors. To qualify, corporate members shall pay annual fees.

  • Affiliated members: Affiliated members shall cosist of those who are interested in participating in activities of the Association. They shall be approved by the Board of Directors. Affiliated members may include spouses of regular members.


The special members shall be entitled to all privileges of the association except those of making motions, of voting, and of holding office.

Unless terminated under the provision of Article II, Section 4, all memberships shall be limited to one year. Regular, student, and corporation memberships shall be renewed upon payment of an annual fee. Honorary and affiliated memberships shall be renewed upon the approval of the Board of Directors.



All membership fees shall be due by the first day of each fiscal year (March first as set forth in Article VIII). The student membership fee shall be no more than one half of the regular membership fee. The annual membership fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.



For all members, the Board of Directors shall issue an individual certificate of membership or publish the names of members in a membership directory, newsletter, or journal. The Association shall keep an official membership directory and publish it annually.



  • Any member may terminate membership by submitting a resignation in writing to the Secretary of the Association. No refund of the membership fee shall be made.

  • Those members whose dues are not paid within three months after the first day of the fiscal year shall be automatically dropped from membership in the Association. A suspended member may be reinstated upon the payment of the full amount due.

  • Upon approval of all members of the Board of Directors, the Association may terminate any membership for any willful infraction of the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association. A refund of the prorated membership fee shall be made by the Association if termination occurs.


Professionals Association

of Arizona


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3752 East Indian School Road, Phoenix, AZ 85018

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