professionals Association
of Arizona

Welcome to CAPAA !!!
Directory & Marketing
Chairperson: TBD
An enhanced and professional image for CAPAA in the Chinese community and the community-at-large is the ongoing goal of this committee. Publicity and promotions will play an important part in promoting CAPAA. The function of this committee is to organize events which increase CAPAA involvement in the community. The annual CAPAA Directory is also compiled by this committee.
Scholarship Committee
Chairperson: TBD
Our goal is to promote the education for our next generation of leaders. The CAPAA Scholarship program has been very successful since its inception in 1989. Scholarships are awarded to high-deserving high school students and college students. Recognition for academic excellence for exceptional students is recognized each year by CAPAA through this program.
Membership Committee
Chairperson: TBD
Getting people involved and increasing membership of CAPAA are the primary goals. We have a strong and steadily increasing membership base. The larger we are as a group, the better CAPAA will be heard!
Technical Forum
Chairperson: TBD
Promoting professional and technical development of the members in various fields and disciplines is an on-going goal and commitment for CAPAA. Presentations on various issues and concerns pertinent to CAPAA members are planned by this committee.
Recreational Events
Chairperson: TBD
CAPAA organizes activities and competitive events such as tennis, golf, table tennis, volleyball, hiking, etc., for members to get to know each other and have lots of fun, too! Meet new people, make new friends, and get involved!
Newsletter Committee
Chairperson: TBD
CAPAA newsletters are published once every three months for members. Members are encouraged to tell us, either by phone or through writing or e-mail, the important or interesting events in their lives. Sharing the news will make reading the newsletters more exciting and enjoyable.
Business Development
(Currently inactive)
The purpose of this committee is to establish and maintain a direct communication channel between Arizona industrial establishments and their counterparts in foreign countries. Its goal is to provide exposure for CAPAA engineering and business professionals to overseas industries and universities.
Asian Affairs
This committee deals with civil rights issues, discrimination, equal opportunities, and other civic-related activities in the community. CAPAA members contribute time to community efforts. Promotion of cultural diversity is also an important aspect of this committee. All members are encouraged to become actively involved in events.
Fund Raising Committee
(Currently inactive)
We are always looking for new ways to raise funds for CAPAA. New ideas are encouraged from all CAPAA members in order to pool resources and fulfil members' expectations. Join us to reach our Fund-Raising Goals!